Due to a forecast of lovely weather, we went up to RSPB site Bempton Cliffs which is three miles north of Bridlington, near Flamborough Head. Upon approaching the edge of the cliffs, the noise of thousand of birds was breathtaking, there are 5 or 6 lookouts with excellent views along the cliff top. To the right there were the gannets, we were told they had 4 thousand last year, this year they had arrived later, so no eggs as yet had been laid, but numbers were already looking good, also countless Guillemots, Razorbills, Kittywakes and a Peregrine shown to us on the RSPB assistants scope.
Further to the left we started to see the puffins, flying back and forth. The sea which was calm was covered with birds everywhere, it's a truely wonderful sight and well worth the trip!
Upon returning to the center, a Hawfinch had turned up at the feeder station, first record in 5 years, this presented an opportunity for photographs to the fortunate people there, other sightings on site included pair of Ring Ouzels, Corn Buntings, Brambling, Skylarks, Tree Sparrows, and Swallows.
Great birding, memorable weekend.
From Dave & Pauline.