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Burbage Bird Club Monthly Meeting 10/4/17

Dear Members,

The speaker at our next meeting 10th April will be Mark Hope-Urwin on Butterflies and Moths. This should prove to be an insight at the start of the season for these insects, which provide a large part of the diet for many birds and thus greatly affect the food chain.

This is a change from the talk previously advertised for this month, but you won't be missing out on Jim Almond as he will be with us in May.

I'm sorry that I can't be there at either meeting. However, you will be in the capable hands of Lee, who will make sure that all runs smoothly. Please don't forget that this will be one of the last opportunities to bring in tombola for the Burbage Common Open Day on Sunday May 7th. We have already collected 60+ prizes, but if we can get to 100+ we will hit our fundraising target. A big thank you to all those who have contributed so far. Julie Brown will be there to collect any new tombola. We would also welcome any volunteers to help with the stall or bird walks on the day.


One more thing, can there be a short discussion after the April meeting or feedback via email by then to the following suggestions please? 1. Is anyone interested in full days out on a Sunday going farther afield?

May - Either Lake Vrynwy, Powys for Spotted and Pied Flycatchers & Redstart.

117 miles. 2hrs 15 min. If not, then Eyebrook Reservoir.

June - Kelling Heath, near Sherringham Norfolk for woodlark and Dartford warbler.

140 miles. 2 3/4 hrs. If not, then Bagworth Heath and Thornton Reservoir

2. Also, have we got members prepared to drive and give lifts to these more distant sites?' Enjoy your birding and I'll see you on Open Day,


United Kingdom
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